
Monday, January 12, 2009

RSS Icons and buttons that are most Creative

Do you want more subscribers. Well, if you could find a cool creatively designed RSS icon or button, your website visitors would more likely click on it. And you can have a lot more regular readers.

Definitions: RSS

Here's some of the most creative RSS icons. Enjoy

rss icon

Incredile heart

rss icon

rss icon

1. Place it where people are used to see it
Its commonly on the top right of the blog.

2. Display the RSS icon on all pages
Whatever page your website visitor is reading, they can see your RSS icon & will mst likely click on it if they see it.

3. Write a small message to explain what the benefits of clicking on the RSS icon can do for them. For example "Click the RSS icon above to subscribe & keep up to date with this website"

4. Offer a way to subscribe by email.
Not all your website visitors know about RSS. When they subscribe by email, whenever you update your website of add a new artice, an email will alert them. Keeps them coming back to read more.

5. At the bottom of every post, tell them to subscribe.
Here you can place a smaller, but still creative RSS icon, so you increase the chance of the reader clicking.

6. You may want to place your RSS feed link when you comment on other people's website.

7. Do a contest to offer prizes to website visitors who subscribe.
With a contest you can engage your readers & they are more likely to act & subscribe. Something like the 1st 50 subscribers this week will get a FREE ebook.

8. Launch an email newsletter with Aweber.
Aweber enables you to send a series of emails to educate your readers of your website. Overtime if your content is interesting, they will look forward to the enewsletter.

Anyway you can find more tips here at:

If anyone finds creative RSS cons do post the link on our comments below.

Click here for more cool designs

Click here to subscribe to our RSS feed

1 comment:

  1. Hi. My friends referred me your blog. It looks very good. Also it looks like everyone knows about it. Just not me, until now. I2ll continue to follow your posts. Take care. Keep sharing.


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