
Monday, January 12, 2009

Ways to really boost your article up on Digg.com

If you study those posts which are on top in Digg, you'll notice that a lot of them are lists.
Not just any list, but a list giving the reader information on Top Lists & Top Resources.
For example, Top 10 Web Hosting companies, Top 10 Ways to Communicate More Effectively at Work.

Skellie from Skelliwag gave some very practical interesting tips.

1. Write about things that can be really useful & practical.
Not spam. Useful like helping people be more productive & making their lives easier.
Practical means people can put into practice right away. I always look for practical information.
You can onlyread so much theory & not do anything about it.

2. Research & give the best list.
Don't just write. back up your content with case studies or test results.

3. Develop relationships with Digg power-users who will submit your content
And get a network of people who can be 'shouted' to come over to Digg, to vote up your post.
How do you develop this network. This will be the topic of our Future post.:)

4. Use a lot of images in your post.
You be surprised that a lot of traffic can come from people using Google images
Did you know, you can get Free photos online.

5. Ankesh Kothari did some resarch & he studied how digg calculates which links should be shown on the front page.
Your link requires at least 7-8 diggs per hour. The more diggs per hour the better. You need at least 50+ diggs. But more likely: 125+ diggs. Anything below won't hit the front page. Your link has to first hit the top spot on the category page before it hits the front page. So your success also depends on how bad other links are that were submitted within 2-3 hours of your link submission in your particular category. If they're better than yours or if they have a wider network - you are out of luck. If anyone buries your digg link, its very very very hard to make it to the front page.

6. Marelisa wrote that its an important element is having enough subscribers
that they push your number up, thereby getting the attention of people in the Digg community who have never been to your blog.

7. Remember, we don't have to apply this with digg. There are many other similar sites, which are also popular & growing. For a list of other popular similar digg sites click here.

8. And remember, that once people reach your wesite by Digg etc, your blog design can play a vital part in keeping loyal readers & getting click thrus for your sponsors.

Click here for more traffic boosting articles

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